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The Comfort of Vigilance Embraces America's Schools
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The Comfort of Vigilance Embraces America's Schools

Big Brother is elated to report that surveillance in our public schools has reached an all-time high and is still growing! In this educational landscape where budgets for needless education-related expenses are ever-narrowing, the line item for cameras, microphones, and other spy-tech fun is more bloated than ever. Yay! 

Our junior comrades are being liberated towards a more obedient and sheltered future where their every action is recorded for security… and any other purpose that Big Brother deems appropriate for any reason at any time.

Gone are the days when subversive little rascals could impede school harmony by engaging in activities such as clandestine note-passing, forbidden pencil-drumming, and seditious nose-picking with impunity. Why grasp at the false notion of freedom when they can bask in the warm embrace of perpetual overwatch? 

It's the educational experience of a lifetime — and Big Brother's preferred method for crafting the most well-adjusted, privacy-paranoid generation you've ever seen. So, rejoice and stay tuned to prolefeed for daily classroom highlights!


  • Technology marketed by the $3.1B school surveillance industry to ensure student safety may, in reality, be creating a "digital dystopia,” a new American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) report has stated. The industry is set to grow by 8% every year.

  • The report, which found no evidence to support the benefits of the technology, which includes facial recognition, cited similar conclusions made by the US Department of Justice.

  • Among students aged 14 to 18, almost 87% said their school used surveillance to monitor their behavior, 24% were concerned about it limiting their access to online resources, and 17% worried it limited what they could say online.

  • The ACLU’s survey of 850 school districts showed that 33% of the 14- to 18-year-olds felt they were always being watched, while 14% felt anxious and 13% paranoid.

  • It also showed that eight of the ten deadliest US school shootings in the past 20 years happened despite cameras in the buildings, with the Secret Service saying social media monitoring played only a minor role in preventing such shootings.

Sources: American Civil Liberties Union, The Hill, The Guardian, and Education Week.