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Paul Nakasone Heads to OpenAI: Brings Your Private Data with Him
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Paul Nakasone Heads to OpenAI: Brings Your Private Data with Him

Trailblazing tech giant Open AI has secured former NSA and US Cyber Command chief, General Paul Nakasone, to serve on its Board of Directors. Nakasone’s tenure at the helm of US data security took the science of information gathering to new heights. Cybercrimes were thwarted at scale, even if some American’s private data got caught in the crossfire. What's a few million personal emails and pervasive location tracking amongst friends?

Now, you might think it’s overkill to hire the world’s top cyber cop to oversee security at ChatGPT, but Chairman of the Board Bret Taylor said Nakasone will help “OpenAI in achieving its mission of ensuring artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.”

So, while ChatGPT currently helps you solve weeknight dinner woes and correctly format your boring screenplay, its long-term goal is to match or surpass human capabilities. Nakasone will help shepherd us all into this new era, where humans will either be freed from the shackles of mundane labor, marginalized into irrelevance, or killed on sight — depending on which tech expert you most recently heard on Joe Rogan.

Forget that OpenAI’s internal safety working group suddenly dissolved after its two most prominent researchers quit over the company’s core priorities. Good riddance! The best way for this innovative company to align with human values is to onboard the preeminent mass surveillance expert of the free world. Who better to guard your secrets than the one who knows them best? You can trust OpenAI like you trust your Big Brother.


  • ChatGPT creator OpenAI has appointed Paul Nakasone, who led the National Security Agency (NSA) from 2018 to February this year, to its Board of Directors and Safety and Security Committee.

  • Nakasone strongly supported renewing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which — though purportedly meant to be used to monitor foreign terrorist suspects — was found to have been used nearly 5M times between 2019 and 2022 by just the FBI to conduct “backdoor” searches on Americans.

  • NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has previously exposed how the NSA also tracked billions of cellphone location records around the world.

  • Meanwhile, the ACLU reported in April that the NSA has been studying how to use AI for surveillance for over a year and a half, but the agency hasn't released its findings.

  • OpenAI board Chairman Bret Taylor said Nakasone's “unparalleled experience... will help guide OpenAI" in "ensuring artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.” This comes roughly a month after the company dissolved its team devoted to AI safety.

Sources: Brennan Center, OpenAI, Washington Post, Business Insider, New York Times, ACLU, The Verge, and Tech Crunch.